Thursday, June 23, 2011

African milk tea and chapati, tea and chapati

This is what I am eating and drinking right now.  U JELLY??!!

I'm at MMU's staff canteen down at Kabundaire, where all faculty members get a free mid-morning tea.  Pretty sweet deal, eh?  Why doesn't America have tea breaks?  We had one every day in Ireland when I was working at the National Museum.  Eleven o'clock sharp.  Interns and staff alike met in the museum cafe and engaged in witty, scintillating conversation while chowing down on chocolate croissants and individual pots of tea.  Lovely.  Here, though, half of the conversation is in Rutooro and I don't understand it (although I've made flashcards, so I'm learning words and phrases which Nino can understand when we meet again in Michigan).  In all seriousness, though, I think it's a great thing.  It really did provide us lowly undergraduate interns with the opportunity to ask questions and talk about our work with our supervisors, and I think it just breaks up the day nicely.  Tea at eleven, lunch at one!  Perfect.

Ah, well.  So, work is going well, and we are steadily moving through processing the documents.  Evarist just went to Kampala again (I think I mentioned this in the last post) and brought back 200 lid boxes, which are MUCH nicer than the disintegrating cardboard boxes in which the documents are currently housed.  This is a major success, people--he has been negotiating and dealing with the suppliers for a long while and they have been less than cooperative.  So, now we can begin re-housing the documents into safe homes.  It's the little things!!!!  :D

Mzungu pizza night was last night, again, and I was the only non-Irishman in a group of seven others.  HEAVEN.  As per usual, I pestered the ones I hadn't met about where they were from, what they thought about NI current events, the Queen's recent visit (and Obama's, too!), etc.  Did you guys know I love Ireland?  I got ambitious and ordered a regular-sized pizza instead of the "baby" size--first time!--big mistake.  My stomach still hurt when I woke up this morning.  More pizza tonight, though; I'm taking Moses and his little girl, Janet, to Gluepot so she can have her first taste of pizza :)  I'll get a calzone.

Can't WAIT to get to Entebbe this weekend.  As most of you know, I recently went off of my meds (for better or for worse), and my body has really been feeling the effects, both physically and mentally.  It kind of feels like having a hangover every day that just doesn't go away.  I'm trying to battle through it, though, and things have improved slightly since last Wednesday (first day of no pills at all; I tapered off over a 3 wk pd).  Still a grumpy witch a lot of the day, but I'm no longer staring at the wall for hours on end like I was the first two days.  Anyway, I'm really excited to go to a new city and meet up with a fellow UM student!  Apparently she's found a pretty decent flat for us to rent, with a kitchen and WI-FI INCLUDED (and hopefully hot water...), so I'm fairly optimistic.  New project, new people, new place!

So, like I mentioned earlier, my Picasa album will be inundated with new pictures sometime this weekend.  Keep an eye out!

As always,

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